Venue Information

Venue Code:
Just the Tonic at Cabaret Voltaire
Venue Address:
36-38 Blair Street
Venue Postcode:

Performance Spaces

NameCapacityAge LimitShowsPerformances
Just the Common Room5018+ after 18:008186
Just the Liberty Room7418+ after 18:009190

Shows and Performances

Select Performance Space
Sort Order

NameGenreWherePerformancesNext Performance
1 Irish, 1 English: MorningsComedyJust the Common Room24-
Adele Cliff Has Some New Ideas You Might EnjoyComedyJust the Common Room24-
Body, Pauline EyreComedyJust the Common Room21-
David Eagle: The Eagle Is CandidComedyJust the Common Room24-
Jessie Cave and Alfie Brown Share a Work in ProgressComedyJust the Common Room23-
Kurt Sterling: Corporate ChroniclesComedyJust the Common Room24-
Louise Leigh: DistractedComedyJust the Common Room22-
Sasha Ellen: My MILF-shake Brings all the Boys to the YardComedyJust the Common Room24-