
Shows that start with:

TitleTypeGenrePerformancesFirstLastWish List?Score
J S Bach – The Six Organ Trio SonatasIN PERSONMusic220/08 18:0022/08 18:00 
Jacobite Edinburgh 1745 – A Healthy Walk Through HistoryIN PERSONEvents2201/08 10:3026/08 10:30 
Jake Cornford – Fair Play To MeIN PERSONComedy2301/08 20:0024/08 20:00 
James Arthur Isn't a Mathematician and Other LiesIN PERSONComedy618/08 11:1023/08 11:10 
Jason Byrne: Head in the CloudsIN PERSONComedy2201/08 19:5024/08 19:50 
Jason Thurston's Acting MasterClass with Jason ThurstonIN PERSONComedy703/08 20:2009/08 20:20 
Jay Lafferty: Ooft!IN PERSONComedy2401/08 17:0025/08 17:00 
Jazz at LunchtimeIN PERSONMusic2501/08 13:0025/08 13:00 
Jazz JamboreeIN PERSONMusic505/08 15:3019/08 13:00 
Jess Robinson: Your SongIN PERSONCabaret and Variety2301/08 18:0524/08 18:05 
Jo Caulfield – Bad Mood RisingIN PERSONComedy2201/08 19:3024/08 19:30 
John Robertson's The Dark RoomIN PERSONComedy2401/08 22:0024/08 22:00 
Joke SellersIN PERSONComedy2301/08 14:0024/08 14:00 
Joke ThievesIN PERSONComedy2301/08 20:1524/08 20:15 
Jokes I Rescued from the Future (by Telling Them Now)IN PERSONComedy1001/08 15:4510/08 15:45 
Joni Mitchell: Take Me As I AmIN PERSONMusic2301/08 15:3025/08 15:30 
Josie Long: Now Is the Time of MonstersIN PERSONComedy2301/08 19:0024/08 19:00 
Journey to Stolen IdentityIN PERSONMusic422/08 17:0023/08 18:30 
Records 1 to 18 of 18