Venue Information

Venue Code:
Scottish Arts Club
Venue Address:
24 Rutland Square
Venue Postcode:

Venue Description:
A fine elegant Georgian building in the peaceful surroundings of Rutland Square at the West End of Princes Street for members and guests interested in all aspects of the arts and creative industries.

Venue Phone:

Venue Facilities:

Cafe Details:

Age Limits:
Five-year-olds and up to 16-year-olds permitted during the day but strictly no under 16s after 21:00

Performance Spaces

NameCapacityAge LimitShowsPerformances
The Club Room35Five-year-olds and up to 16-year-olds permitted during the day but strictly no under 16s after 21:0026

Shows and Performances

Select Performance Space
Sort Order
NameGenreWherePerformancesNext Performance
A History of Jazz in Four SaxophonesMusicThe Club Room2-
Song over ScotlandMusicThe Club Room4-