Venue Information

Venue Code:
Saint Stephen's Theatre
Venue Address:
105 St Stephen Street
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Venue Description:
Saint Stephens Theatre

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Age Limits:

Performance Spaces

NameCapacityAge LimitShowsPerformances
Ashton Hall40027
Ian McKellen Theatre250585
The Vault50592

Shows and Performances

Select Performance Space
Sort Order
NameGenreWherePerformancesNext Performance
Avenue QMusicals and OperaIan McKellen Theatre24-
Bev's ComedyComedyThe Vault14-
Dance-Forms' 79th International Choreographers' ShowcaseDance Physical Theatre and CircusAshton Hall3-
English[bird] in New YorkCabaret and VarietyThe Vault19-
Lawrence Chaney – From Holyrood to HollywoodComedyAshton Hall4-
Legally BlondeMusicals and OperaIan McKellen Theatre24-
Liberace – In His Own WordsMusicals and OperaIan McKellen Theatre6-
Mish MashCabaret and VarietyThe Vault24-
RentMusicals and OperaIan McKellen Theatre24-
The Poldark Show – Stage HypnotistCabaret and VarietyIan McKellen Theatre7-
Who Told You To Be SmallComedyThe Vault24-
Whore on TrialTheatreThe Vault11-