Venue Information

Venue Code:
Palmerston Place Church
Venue Address:
10 Palmerston Place
Venue Postcode:
EH12 5AA

Venue Description:
Modelled on Saint-Sulpice in Paris, this splendid church dates from 1875 and is in the heart of the West End. A magnificent yet intimate internal space ideal for music concerts, featuring a fine Wells-Kennedy organ built in 1992.

Venue Phone:

Venue Facilities:

Cafe Details:

Age Limits:

Performance Spaces

NameCapacityAge LimitShowsPerformances
Palmerston Place Church180416

Shows and Performances

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NameGenreWherePerformancesNext Performance
Chamberlain: Peace in Our TimeTheatrePalmerston Place Church4-
CS Lewis' The Screwtape LettersTheatrePalmerston Place Church4-
Eric Liddell: The Chariot of FireTheatrePalmerston Place Church4-
Titanic: The Last Hero and The Last CowardTheatrePalmerston Place Church4-