Venue Information

Venue Code:
EIFF @ Summerhall
Venue Address:
1 Summerhall
Venue Postcode:

Venue Description:
One of the venues for the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 2024

Venue Phone:

Venue Facilities:

Cafe Details:

Age Limits:

Performance Spaces

NameCapacityAge LimitShowsPerformances
Dissection Room6011
Red Lecture Theatre 842527

Shows and Performances

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NameGenreWherePerformancesNext Performance
EIFF: 28 Days LaterEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: A New Kind of WildernessEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: A ShrineEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: ActingEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Ali Plumb's Untitled Film Quiz ProjectEventsDissection Room1-
EIFF: All the Mountains GiveEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: And MrsEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: ArmandEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Between the TemplesEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Competition ShortsEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Fugue (Fuga)EventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Gaspar Noé Presents: Surprise FilmEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Lilies Not for MeEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: LollipopEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: MongrelEventsRed Lecture Theatre 2-
EIFF: My Favourite Cake (Keyke Mahboobe Man)EventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Phantom of the ParadiseEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Schirkoa: In Lies We TrustEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Sing SingEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: smiles and kisses youEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: SunlightEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: The CeremonyEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: The OutrunEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: TimestalkerEventsRed Lecture Theatre 2-
EIFF: To Kill a WolfEventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-
EIFF: Xibalba Monster (Monstruo de Xibalba)EventsRed Lecture Theatre 1-