Venue Information

Venue Code:
Edinburgh Playhouse
Venue Address:
18-22 Greenside Pl
Venue Postcode:

Venue Description:
Edinburgh Playhouse is the largest seated theatre in the UK and the 'favourite stage in Scotland' (Billy Connolly) with a capacity of over 3,000! Over the years the theatre has played host to the world's biggest and most successful musicals, legendary bands, artists and comedians.

Venue Phone:
0333 009 6690

Venue Facilities:

Cafe Details:

Age Limits:
Strictly no under 3s in the venue. Under 16s must be supervised at all times by an adult (18+).

Performance Spaces

NameCapacityAge LimitShowsPerformances
Auditorium3035Strictly no under 3s in the venue. Under 16s must be supervised at all times by an adult (18+).511

Shows and Performances

Select Performance Space
Sort Order

NameGenreWherePerformancesNext Performance
Adam Kay: UndoctoredComedyAuditorium2-
Fern Brady: I Gave You Milk to DrinkComedyAuditorium2-
Jimmy Carr: Laughs FunnyComedyAuditorium5-
No Such Thing As A FishComedyAuditorium1-
Troy Hawke – The Greeters Guild!ComedyAuditorium1-