1 Moment in Time | Cabaret and Variety | Fleming Theatre | 23 | Fri 01/08 15:55 |
199 Jokes Before Lunchtime: High Whisk | Comedy | Haldane Theatre | 14 | Fri 01/08 11:55 |
3 Little Wigs | Cabaret and Variety | Theatre 1 | 6 | Mon 18/08 22:45 |
A Bad Taste Show | Comedy | Theatre 2 | 6 | Mon 18/08 16:45 |
A Highly Suspect Murder Mystery: The Betray-tors | Theatre | Theatre 1 | 21 | Fri 01/08 13:40 |
A Highly Suspect Murder Mystery: The Death of the Great Detective | Theatre | Fleming Theatre | 21 | Fri 01/08 16:55 |
A Most Pressing Issue | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 6 | Mon 11/08 22:05 |
A Most Pressing Issue | Theatre | Theatre 3 | 9 | Fri 01/08 19:15 |
A Year and a Day | Theatre | Theatre 2 | 15 | Fri 01/08 18:45 |
After Shakespeare | Theatre | Theatre 1 | 21 | Fri 01/08 16:15 |
Almost Famous | Theatre | Theatre 2 | 14 | Fri 01/08 15:45 |
Anatomy of Pain | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 9 | Fri 01/08 13:50 |
As We Face the Sun | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 6 | Mon 18/08 16:05 |
Atomic Cabaret | Cabaret and Variety | Theatre 1 | 9 | Fri 01/08 22:45 |
Brief Tales | Theatre | Theatre 2 | 15 | Fri 01/08 11:45 |
Caledonia | Music | Fleming Theatre | 23 | Fri 01/08 14:50 |
Cantonese Opera x Children's Interactive Theatre: Dic Dic Chang Chang Playground | Children's Shows | Theatre 3 | 9 | Fri 01/08 13:10 |
Celine Dion Experience Featuring Jasmine Alice | Music | Fleming Theatre | 23 | Fri 01/08 19:20 |
Clever Comedy Chicago | Comedy | Stephenson Theatre | 6 | Mon 11/08 21:05 |
Congratulations, Good for You – Cantonese Stand-Up Comedy | Comedy | Theatre 3 | 6 | Mon 18/08 17:05 |
Dan Bastianelli: Identity | Cabaret and Variety | Theatre 1 | 9 | Fri 01/08 18:25 |
Eva by the Divas | Music | Fleming Theatre | 12 | Fri 01/08 20:20 |
Exhausted Paint: The Death of Van Gogh | Theatre | Haldane Theatre | 18 | Fri 01/08 14:55 |
Family Magic | Children's Shows | Theatre 3 | 15 | Fri 01/08 15:10 |
Follies! A Showcase of Bits and Bobs | Cabaret and Variety | Haldane Theatre | 2 | Wed 06/08 14:55 |
Fragile Creatures | Music | Haldane Theatre | 15 | Fri 01/08 18:25 |
Frozen Love: A Buckingham Nicks Story | Theatre | Theatre 1 | 15 | Fri 01/08 20:30 |
Hairy B*stard | Theatre | Haldane Theatre | 6 | Mon 18/08 18:20 |
Hebridean Fire | Music | Fleming Theatre | 23 | Fri 01/08 13:55 |
Henry Churniavsky... Life Lessons from a Jewish Grandfather (Zaida) | Comedy | Theatre 2 | 4 | Mon 18/08 19:00 |
How to Become a Movie Star? | Theatre | Theatre 3 | 21 | Fri 01/08 16:05 |
Iago Speaks | Theatre | Fleming Theatre | 15 | Fri 01/08 22:25 |
Is This Normal? | Theatre | Theatre 3 | 13 | Mon 11/08 19:05 |
Life Would Be Pretty Dull Without Sex, Raves and MDMA | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 15 | Fri 01/08 20:05 |
Lolo's Boyfriend Show | Theatre | Haldane Theatre | 15 | Fri 01/08 20:30 |
Mason King – The Mind Spy | Cabaret and Variety | Theatre 3 | 12 | Sat 02/08 17:05 |
Mr P From HR | Cabaret and Variety | Theatre 2 | 6 | Mon 18/08 22:00 |
Nearlyweds the Musical | Musicals and Opera | Fleming Theatre | 13 | Mon 11/08 12:45 |
On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco | Theatre | Theatre 2 | 4 | Mon 11/08 20:00 |
Once Upon a Tune | Children's Shows | Grand Theatre | 15 | Fri 01/08 11:10 |
Operation Blank | Theatre | Fleming Theatre | 9 | Fri 01/08 18:20 |
Out of Character | Theatre | Fleming Theatre | 15 | Fri 01/08 11:40 |
Pandora's Bowl | Theatre | Theatre 2 | 3 | Tue 12/08 20:00 |
Piaf and Brel: The Impossible Concert | Music | Theatre 1 | 6 | Mon 11/08 11:35 |
Piaf and Brel: The Impossible Concert | Music | Theatre 2 | 9 | Fri 01/08 14:45 |
Piano Smashers | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 15 | Fri 01/08 16:05 |
Picking Up Stones: An American Jew Wakes to a Nightmare | Theatre | Theatre 3 | 15 | Fri 01/08 10:45 |
PSA: Pelvic Service Announcement | Comedy | Haldane Theatre | 21 | Fri 01/08 10:50 |
Remember That Time? A Musical | Musicals and Opera | Theatre 2 | 21 | Fri 01/08 12:45 |
Roadkill Bambi | Theatre | Theatre 3 | 9 | Fri 01/08 18:05 |
Science Stories for Grown-Ups | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 6 | Mon 18/08 19:05 |
Scots of the Pops | Music | Fleming Theatre | 11 | Sun 03/08 20:20 |
Seizure | Theatre | Grand Theatre | 9 | Fri 01/08 16:00 |
Shirley: A Ghost Story | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 11 | Fri 01/08 15:00 |
Sketch Show Bingo! | Comedy | Stephenson Theatre | 21 | Fri 01/08 17:05 |
Sped Kid | Theatre | Haldane Theatre | 9 | Fri 01/08 09:45 |
Sped Kid | Theatre | Theatre 2 | 12 | Mon 11/08 10:35 |
Stitch in Time: A Knitting Cabaret | Music | Theatre 3 | 15 | Fri 01/08 09:40 |
Supermarket 86 | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 21 | Fri 01/08 11:25 |
Tall Tails | Comedy | Theatre 2 | 9 | Fri 01/08 19:45 |
The 80s Movie Mixtape | Music | Grand Theatre | 23 | Fri 01/08 20:50 |
The Bear | Theatre | Theatre 2 | 5 | Tue 19/08 20:00 |
The Blondie Story | Music | Grand Theatre | 22 | Fri 01/08 17:35 |
The Boy from Bantay | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 15 | Fri 01/08 12:35 |
The Car Showroom Poet | Spoken Word | Theatre 3 | 6 | Mon 11/08 13:05 |
The Caterpillar and the Blackbird | Children's Shows | Grand Theatre | 9 | Fri 01/08 12:10 |
The Colour Red | Theatre | Theatre 3 | 6 | Mon 18/08 11:00 |
The Gael | Music | Grand Theatre | 8 | Wed 13/08 11:10 |
The Legend of Queen | Music | Grand Theatre | 23 | Fri 01/08 19:45 |
The Lost Priest | Theatre | Theatre 1 | 12 | Mon 11/08 10:30 |
The Lost Priest | Theatre | Theatre 2 | 9 | Fri 01/08 10:40 |
The Lounge Suite | Cabaret and Variety | Theatre 2 | 15 | Fri 01/08 13:50 |
The Naked Neds | Theatre | Grand Theatre | 9 | Fri 01/08 22:05 |
The Physician of Oz | Comedy | Fleming Theatre | 6 | Mon 04/08 21:25 |
The Poetical Life of Philomena McGuinness | Theatre | Stephenson Theatre | 10 | Sat 02/08 15:00 |
The Telepath and The Conjuror | Cabaret and Variety | Fleming Theatre | 21 | Fri 01/08 12:45 |
UNCLE TOM'S WAR: Haiti and the Whipping Machine | Spoken Word | Theatre 3 | 6 | Mon 11/08 14:05 |
Wet Dream With Jesus | Theatre | Theatre 3 | 12 | Mon 11/08 22:35 |
What Are You Laughing At? | Spoken Word | Theatre 3 | 6 | Mon 18/08 14:05 |
When Judas Met John: Songs of Dylan and Lennon | Music | Theatre 1 | 21 | Fri 01/08 19:30 |
Women of Rock | Music | Grand Theatre | 22 | Fri 01/08 18:40 |