Search Shows that start with: All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other All Genres Cabaret and Variety Children's Shows Comedy Dance Physical Theatre and Circus Events Exhibitions Music Musicals and Opera Spoken Word Theatre Browse All? In Person Online Scheduled Online On Demand TitleTypeGenrePerformancesFirstLastWish List?ScoreGag RaceIN PERSONComedy2201/08 15:0024/08 15:00 Garden Party – Truman Capote's Black and White CelebrationIN PERSONTheatre901/08 16:0009/08 16:00 Gareth Mutch: Maybe TomorrowIN PERSONComedy2201/08 18:0524/08 18:05 Garry Starr: Classic PenguinsIN PERSONComedy2201/08 21:3025/08 21:30 Gavin Webster – The Gathering of The GavIN PERSONComedy2301/08 15:2524/08 15:25 Geoff Norcott: Basic Bloke 2 – There's No Bloke Without FireIN PERSONComedy1411/08 15:5024/08 15:50 Get Thee to a NurseryIN PERSONTheatre802/08 13:0509/08 13:05 Getting Triggy With It: Matt Parker Does the MathsIN PERSONComedy2501/08 18:3025/08 18:30 Ghost Stories By CandlelightIN PERSONTheatre518/08 22:0022/08 22:00 Gina Williams and Guy GhouseIN PERSONMusic1501/08 19:0516/08 19:05 Ginger's Problem AreaIN PERSONComedy2401/08 22:4024/08 22:40 GladiatrixIN PERSONMusicals and Opera1211/08 19:4023/08 20:50 Grappelli and EllaIN PERSONMusic304/08 15:3005/08 18:00 Gross Domestic ProductIN PERSONTheatre1101/08 11:3522/08 11:35 Guru Dudu's Silent Disco Walking ToursIN PERSONComedy2302/08 15:0024/08 16:30 Guru Dudu's Silent Disco Walking ToursIN PERSONComedy3101/08 15:0025/08 15:00 Records 1 to 16 of 16