
Shows that start with:

TitleTypeGenrePerformancesFirstLastWish List?Score
C digital performance and filmIN PERSONExhibitions2501/08 10:0025/08 10:00 
Cabaret of FilthIN PERSONCabaret and Variety2401/08 22:1525/08 22:15 
Cabin FeverIN PERSONTheatre619/08 14:0524/08 14:05 
CadenzaIN PERSONMusic619/08 14:2024/08 14:20 
Cadenza at the Fringe 2024IN PERSONMusic124/08 19:3024/08 19:30 
Caged: The True Story of Isabella MacDuffIN PERSONTheatre1016/08 22:0525/08 22:05 
Caitlin Cook: The Writing on the StallIN PERSONComedy1214/08 21:5025/08 21:50 
Caitriona Dowden is Holier Than ThouIN PERSONComedy2303/08 12:5025/08 12:50 
Cal Halbert – CalcoholicIN PERSONComedy2402/08 20:1525/08 20:15 
CaledoniaIN PERSONMusic2302/08 14:3524/08 14:35 
California DreamsIN PERSONMusic2302/08 16:5524/08 16:55 
Call of Cthulhu – Live in the LibraryIN PERSONTheatre223/08 14:0024/08 14:00 
Callum Straford: Mozart-182IN PERSONComedy703/08 15:1009/08 15:10 
Cameron Young: The Scottish MagicianIN PERSONCabaret and Variety2601/08 20:2026/08 20:20 
Camille O'Sullivan: LoveletterIN PERSONMusic1501/08 21:3517/08 21:35 
Campfire ImprovIN PERSONComedy114/08 23:5514/08 23:55 
Can Duggan? Should Duggan? Will DugganIN PERSONComedy2401/08 15:5025/08 15:50 
Can't Stop Carrying OnIN PERSONTheatre717/08 18:1524/08 16:15 
Cantonese Opera x Children’s Interactive Theatre: Dic Dic Chang Chang PlaygroundIN PERSONChildren's Shows902/08 11:1010/08 11:10 
Captain Zak's Space Pirate ProblemsIN PERSONChildren's Shows2401/08 12:1525/08 12:15 
Car BootIN PERSONComedy2301/08 19:4024/08 19:40 
Caravan Club And Its Not-Got-A-Mucky-Bum StarIN PERSONComedy2205/08 * 00:3025/08 * 00:30 
Carl Donnelly: BoosegumpsIN PERSONComedy2401/08 21:0025/08 21:00 
CarmenIN PERSONMusicals and Opera414/08 19:0017/08 19:00 
Caroline McEvoy: Glass ChildIN PERSONComedy719/08 14:4025/08 14:40 
Carousel – A Theatre Show by Ivo GrahamIN PERSONTheatre2201/08 14:2025/08 14:20 
CarrionIN PERSONTheatre719/08 12:3525/08 12:35 
Carter Ford: Lessons for an Incomplete Black BoyIN PERSONTheatre212/08 15:4013/08 18:20 
Carter Morgan: The Death of CoolIN PERSONComedy2401/08 22:2026/08 22:20 
Cartoooon!!IN PERSONChildren's Shows2401/08 13:3026/08 13:30 
Cash and Diamond: Tribute ShowIN PERSONMusic1605/08 13:3024/08 13:30 
Cash Out of Hand: A Convict's TaleIN PERSONMusic418/08 18:0019/08 20:00 
Caspar Thomas: The Art of Close-Up MagicIN PERSONCabaret and Variety2601/08 19:0026/08 19:00 
Casting the RunesIN PERSONTheatre1901/08 11:3525/08 11:35 
Casual EncountersIN PERSONTheatre719/08 15:3025/08 15:30 
CatafalqueIN PERSONTheatre1101/08 12:2511/08 12:25 
CatGPTIN PERSONComedy902/08 23:5910/08 23:59 
Cathedral Celebrity Organ RecitalsIN PERSONMusicals and Opera311/08 16:4525/08 16:45 
Cathedral Choir Concert: Classical and Romantic Choral MusicIN PERSONMusicals and Opera123/08 18:0023/08 18:00 
Cathedral Coffee Concerts with John BrydenIN PERSONMusic205/08 11:0006/08 11:00 
Catherine Bohart: Again, With FeelingsIN PERSONComedy1810/08 12:0025/08 12:00 
Catherine Cohen: Come For MeIN PERSONComedy1901/08 22:0025/08 22:00 
Catherine McCafferty: (Not) That BadIN PERSONComedy2401/08 15:3025/08 15:30 
Catriona Price & FriendsIN PERSONMusic116/08 14:3016/08 14:30 
Catriona Price & FriendsIN PERSONMusic114/08 20:3014/08 20:30 
Catriona Price & FriendsIN PERSONMusic112/08 20:0012/08 20:00 
Causey Lines FourIN PERSONExhibitions603/08 11:0008/08 11:00 
CeilidhKids at the FringeIN PERSONChildren's Shows2301/08 10:0025/08 10:00 
Ceilidhs (Scottish Dancing)IN PERSONDance Physical Theatre and Circus1305/08 21:0023/08 21:00 
Celebrity Recitals 2024 – 1IN PERSONMusic0   
Celebrity Recitals 2024 – 2IN PERSONMusic107/08 19:3007/08 19:30 
Celebrity Recitals 2024 – 3IN PERSONMusic114/08 19:3014/08 19:30 
Celine Dion Experience Featuring Jasmine AliceIN PERSONMusic1502/08 18:0517/08 18:05 
Cello and Piano Recital: Romantic Sonatas by Grieg and BridgeIN PERSONMusic103/08 12:3003/08 12:30 
Celtic Harmonies: Àirdan Live at the FringeIN PERSONMusic223/08 17:3024/08 16:00 
Celtic Harp Music with Harriet EarisIN PERSONMusic115/08 15:0015/08 15:00 
Celtic RootsIN PERSONMusic902/08 15:0510/08 15:05 
Celticana: Steve Crawford and Spider MacKenzieIN PERSONMusic120/08 17:3020/08 17:30 
Celya AB: Of All PeopleIN PERSONComedy2401/08 17:2025/08 17:20 
Ceramics at the ShoreIN PERSONExhibitions1102/08 11:0024/08 11:00 
CHALLENGEIN PERSONTheatre1001/08 12:4010/08 12:40 
Chamberlain: Peace in Our TimeIN PERSONTheatre421/08 19:1524/08 14:15 
ChameleonIN PERSONTheatre612/08 12:3017/08 12:30 
Chanel Ali: Break Up With Your DadIN PERSONComedy1101/08 19:1511/08 19:15 
ChaosIN PERSONTheatre308/08 11:1010/08 11:10 
Character Building ExperienceIN PERSONComedy2301/08 20:0025/08 20:00 
Character FlawIN PERSONTheatre2501/08 14:2526/08 14:25 
Charles Dickens: The Hanged Man's BrideIN PERSONTheatre2002/08 16:1523/08 16:15 
Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryIN PERSONMusicals and Opera1602/08 17:4517/08 17:45 
Charlie Caper – MagicalIN PERSONCabaret and Variety1003/08 18:1514/08 18:15 
Charlie Chaplin’s Late-Night CinemaIN PERSONComedy810/08 22:0024/08 22:00 
Charlotte Cropper: Yes Please!! (WIP)IN PERSONComedy620/08 12:1025/08 12:10 
ChatterboxIN PERSONTheatre2301/08 16:5525/08 16:55 
Chatty Ashdown: WIPIN PERSONComedy1115/08 18:0025/08 18:00 
Checking InIN PERSONTheatre902/08 18:3510/08 18:35 
Cheekykita: An Octopus, The Universe 'n' StuffIN PERSONComedy1301/08 15:3013/08 15:30 
Chelsea Birkby: This is Life, Cheeky CheekyIN PERSONComedy2401/08 21:2025/08 21:20 
Chemo SavvyIN PERSONTheatre1115/08 19:4024/08 19:40 
CherryIN PERSONTheatre619/08 20:1524/08 20:15 
ChickenIN PERSONTheatre1101/08 16:1511/08 16:15 
Chicken LittleIN PERSONChildren's Shows512/08 11:0516/08 11:05 
Child of SundayIN PERSONMusicals and Opera2502/08 13:4026/08 13:40 
Children Are StinkyIN PERSONChildren's Shows2201/08 11:3525/08 11:35 
Children's Underground Ghost ShowIN PERSONChildren's Shows5201/08 11:3026/08 12:30 
Chin Wang: Wang's RepublicIN PERSONComedy1410/08 15:4523/08 15:45 
China-Style Youth Art GalaIN PERSONChildren's Shows109/08 14:0009/08 14:00 
Chinese Culture CarnivalIN PERSONCabaret and Variety112/08 14:3012/08 14:30 
Chloe MatharuIN PERSONMusic120/08 19:0020/08 19:00 
Chloe Petts: How You See Me, How You Don'tIN PERSONComedy2401/08 19:0025/08 19:00 
Chloe Radcliffe: Proud RaccoonIN PERSONComedy1301/08 18:1013/08 18:10 
ChokeslamIN PERSONTheatre2401/08 17:5025/08 17:50 
ChonkIN PERSONComedy703/08 20:1509/08 20:15 
Choose My Own Road – Cantonese Comedy ShowIN PERSONComedy619/08 19:0524/08 19:05 
Chopped Liver and UnionsIN PERSONTheatre2102/08 19:5024/08 13:25 
Choral CelebrationIN PERSONMusic123/08 19:3023/08 19:30 
Choral PrideIN PERSONMusic113/08 21:0013/08 21:00 
Chortle Student Comedy Award FinalIN PERSONComedy112/08 22:0012/08 22:00 
Chris and Seán Are Two Sailors Who Are NutsIN PERSONComedy2601/08 22:2026/08 22:20 
Chris Cantrill: Easily SwayedIN PERSONComedy2301/08 12:1025/08 12:10 
Chris Cantrill: Easily SwayedIN PERSONComedy123/08 18:2523/08 18:25 
Chris Cook: The Art of Taking PartIN PERSONCabaret and Variety2203/08 18:1525/08 18:15 
Chris Cross: Not Playing With a Full DeckIN PERSONCabaret and Variety702/08 22:3011/08 22:30 
Chris Dugdale: 11IN PERSONCabaret and Variety2401/08 19:4525/08 19:45 
Chris Fleming: Millennial MagicianIN PERSONCabaret and Variety1214/08 14:0025/08 14:00 
Chris Forbes: CollywobbleIN PERSONComedy1313/08 14:5025/08 14:50 
Chris Grace as Scarlett JohanssonIN PERSONComedy508/08 22:5512/08 22:55 
Chris Grace: Sardines (A Comedy About Death)IN PERSONComedy2801/08 13:4026/08 13:40 
Chris Groves: The One About the CowIN PERSONComedy1212/08 18:2024/08 18:20 
Chris Kent (Work in Progress)IN PERSONComedy2203/08 17:3025/08 17:30 
Chris Ofili: The Caged Bird's SongIN PERSONExhibitions2601/08 10:0026/08 10:00 
Chris Read: The Back LineIN PERSONTheatre817/08 15:1024/08 15:10 
Chris Tavener is Faking CoolIN PERSONComedy1502/08 18:1017/08 18:10 
Chris Thorburn and Ruth Hunter: Our Apologies (WIP)IN PERSONComedy1403/08 18:2517/08 18:25 
Chris Thorburn: CinemanIN PERSONComedy2401/08 14:4525/08 14:45 
Chris Turner and MC Hammersmith: Pretty White for Two White GuysIN PERSONComedy118/08 23:5518/08 23:55 
Chris Turner: ChildishIN PERSONComedy2301/08 17:4525/08 17:45 
Chris Weir: Well FlungIN PERSONComedy2501/08 14:4026/08 14:40 
Christian Dart: Bigger Than The Christmas TurkeyIN PERSONComedy2501/08 20:2026/08 20:20 
Christopher Hall: Girl For All SeasonsIN PERSONComedy2501/08 21:1025/08 21:10 
Christopher Macarthur-Boyd: Scary TimesIN PERSONComedy302/08 19:3508/08 19:35 
Christopher Macarthur-Boyd: Scary TimesIN PERSONComedy107/08 20:3007/08 20:30 
CHUCKIN PERSONComedy808/08 20:3015/08 20:30 
Chump's Comedy Late Night Mixed BillIN PERSONComedy315/08 23:5517/08 23:55 
Chunks: A Decade of SomethingIN PERSONComedy119/08 19:0519/08 19:05 
CinderellaIN PERSONChildren's Shows402/08 10:3007/08 10:30 
Circa: Humans 2.0IN PERSONDance Physical Theatre and Circus2002/08 18:2024/08 18:20 
Circolombia: CorazónIN PERSONDance Physical Theatre and Circus2102/08 21:5525/08 21:55 
Circus – The ShowIN PERSONChildren's Shows2501/08 10:5026/08 10:50 
Circus Sonas Presents: Down with GravityIN PERSONDance Physical Theatre and Circus1801/08 13:4518/08 13:45 
Circus, Break!IN PERSONTheatre1101/08 12:0011/08 12:00 
City of the Dead Haunted Graveyard TourIN PERSONEvents1501/08 21:0024/08 21:00 
Claire Martin with The Martin Sjöstedt TrioIN PERSONMusic117/08 20:3017/08 20:30 
Clann An Drumma: Celtic Rhythms UnleashedIN PERSONMusic113/08 19:4513/08 19:45 
Classical Bagpipe Music – Scotland's Hidden TreasureIN PERSONMusic111/08 19:3011/08 19:30 
Classical Guitar Jonathan PragIN PERSONMusic612/08 13:0518/08 13:05 
Claude Bourbon: Progressive BluesIN PERSONMusic122/08 19:0022/08 19:00 
Clay 2024IN PERSONExhibitions2101/08 11:0024/08 11:00 
Clayton Smith: Guns For JesusIN PERSONComedy2401/08 12:1525/08 12:15 
Clive GregsonIN PERSONMusic121/08 20:3021/08 20:30 
ClownfishIN PERSONComedy2003/08 23:1525/08 23:15 
ClownfishingIN PERSONTheatre2003/08 18:4525/08 18:45 
Club LifeIN PERSONTheatre802/08 21:0010/08 21:00 
Cobin Millage: Big F*cking Cobin F*cking Millage F*cking H*ll Yeah It's Cobin (The Show)IN PERSONComedy213/08 15:0014/08 15:00 
Cobin Millage: Fifteen Pints With a Wax Figure of Renowned Painter Pablo PicassoIN PERSONComedy2401/08 18:1525/08 18:15 
Cobra Kai: The Way of the ComicIN PERSONComedy2003/08 15:0025/08 15:00 
Code Red for HumanityIN PERSONTheatre124/08 15:1524/08 15:15 
Coleridge-Taylor of FreetownIN PERSONTheatre1705/08 10:3024/08 10:30 
CØLIBRI (Electronica Live)IN PERSONMusic915/08 20:3026/08 22:00 
Colin Cloud: ConsequencesIN PERSONCabaret and Variety2501/08 19:2026/08 19:20 
Colin Hoult: ColinIN PERSONComedy2301/08 20:2025/08 20:20 
Colin Steele and Martin Kershaw Play Chet Baker and Stan GetzIN PERSONMusic521/08 20:3025/08 20:30 
Colin Steele Quintet Play Miles DavisIN PERSONMusic514/08 22:0018/08 22:00 
Colman Hayes: Should I Go On? (WIP)IN PERSONComedy2202/08 18:4525/08 18:45 
Comala, ComalaIN PERSONTheatre2102/08 17:1525/08 17:15 
Come Dine With Me: The MusicalIN PERSONMusicals and Opera2401/08 14:2025/08 14:20 
Come To MommyIN PERSONComedy1114/08 13:4524/08 13:45 
Comedians & (Similar to but Legally Distinct from) DragonsIN PERSONComedy2501/08 20:1525/08 20:15 
Comedians Beer Mat Flipping ChampionshipIN PERSONComedy113/08 23:2013/08 23:20 
Comedians of Europe – Best of European ComedyIN PERSONComedy1904/08 14:3025/08 14:30 
Comedians of Europe – Best of European ComedyIN PERSONComedy1904/08 21:3024/08 21:30 
Comedians of Europe – Best of European ComedyIN PERSONComedy117/08 19:3017/08 19:30 
Comedians' DJ BattlesIN PERSONComedy124/08 23:0024/08 23:00 
Comedians' DJ BattlesIN PERSONComedy302/08 23:3016/08 23:30 
Comediocre!IN PERSONComedy719/08 13:0025/08 13:00 
Comedy BrunchIN PERSONComedy2401/08 11:2525/08 11:25 
Comedy Club 4 KidsIN PERSONChildren's Shows2002/08 16:2525/08 16:25 
Comedy CluedoIN PERSONComedy1412/08 17:5025/08 17:50 
Comedy Compilation ShowIN PERSONComedy818/08 19:0525/08 19:05 
Comedy for the CuriousIN PERSONComedy2301/08 18:4525/08 18:45 
Comedy for the Curious: Family Friendly EditionIN PERSONChildren's Shows2301/08 13:0025/08 13:00 
Comedy for WitchesIN PERSONComedy1202/08 22:0014/08 22:00 
Comedy HeadlinersIN PERSONComedy203/08 19:4504/08 19:45 
Comedy Hypnosis ShowIN PERSONCabaret and Variety2303/08 13:2525/08 13:25 
Comedy in the DarkIN PERSONComedy2302/08 18:0025/08 18:00 
Comedy in the Dark – LateIN PERSONComedy1503/08 22:1518/08 22:15 
Comedy Night at the MuseumIN PERSONComedy609/08 22:3024/08 22:30 
Comedy QueersIN PERSONComedy2501/08 22:3025/08 22:30 
Comedy Sheep: Best of Wales ShowcaseIN PERSONComedy2402/08 21:0026/08 21:00 
Comedy ShortsIN PERSONComedy2303/08 20:2525/08 20:25 
Comedy StripteaseIN PERSONComedy2231/07 * 00:4524/08 * 00:45 
Comedy Therapy LiveIN PERSONComedy105/08 23:2005/08 23:20 
Comedy with an AccentIN PERSONComedy1313/08 15:1525/08 15:15 
ComedySportzIN PERSONChildren's Shows1801/08 15:0018/08 15:00 
Comfort Food CabaretIN PERSONCabaret and Variety503/08 18:0010/08 18:00 
Comics vs KidsIN PERSONChildren's Shows1401/08 11:3014/08 11:30 
Commedia and Half Mask Talk by Action Theatre (Italy)IN PERSONEvents118/08 11:0018/08 11:00 
Common Is As Common Does: A MemoirIN PERSONTheatre1402/08 12:3017/08 12:30 
Computer Says That Will Be £300IN PERSONSpoken Word106/08 13:4006/08 13:40 
Concert Couture: Fashion of the 18th CenturyIN PERSONEvents122/08 18:0022/08 18:00 
Confessions of a Butterfly: An Evening with Janusz KorczakIN PERSONTheatre2102/08 15:3024/08 15:30 
Confessions of a TeletubbyIN PERSONSpoken Word902/08 10:3010/08 10:30 
Connor Burns: 1994IN PERSONComedy2801/08 21:4525/08 21:45 
Connor Burns: 1994IN PERSONComedy125/08 15:1025/08 15:10 
ConsentIN PERSONComedy1131/07 * 00:4510/08 * 00:45 
ConsequencesIN PERSONTheatre612/08 11:3017/08 11:30 
ConspiracyIN PERSONTheatre1016/08 20:1525/08 20:15 
Conversations We Never Had, As People We'll Never BeIN PERSONTheatre2401/08 17:0525/08 17:05 
Cool Beans Comedy: Stand-up with a Twist!IN PERSONComedy2102/08 20:4024/08 20:40 
Coppen Through LifeIN PERSONComedy1904/08 15:4525/08 15:45 
Corpse FlowerIN PERSONTheatre2301/08 21:5525/08 21:55 
Cosmic TwegheadsIN PERSONComedy619/08 18:4024/08 18:40 
CosmosIN PERSONDance Physical Theatre and Circus1001/08 21:1511/08 21:15 
Count To FiveIN PERSONComedy902/08 21:5510/08 21:55 
CovenantIN PERSONTheatre1212/08 12:5024/08 12:50 
Craic Den Comedy Club – Best of IrishIN PERSONComedy2501/08 18:0025/08 18:00 
Craig Hill: I've Been Sitting On This For A While!IN PERSONComedy2101/08 19:0025/08 19:00 
Craig on the CliffIN PERSONMusic221/08 18:0022/08 18:00 
Craig Wilson: Who?IN PERSONComedy2402/08 12:1526/08 12:15 
Craw CawIN PERSONExhibitions1108/08 14:0024/08 14:00 
CRAWLERIN PERSONDance Physical Theatre and Circus902/08 14:4011/08 14:40 
Creationing Your Award-Winning Fringe Show with The Director!IN PERSONComedy620/08 12:4525/08 12:45 
Crime and PunishmentIN PERSONTheatre619/08 11:3524/08 11:35 
CringeIN PERSONTheatre912/08 21:2020/08 21:20 
Cringe EffectIN PERSONTheatre1502/08 17:1017/08 17:10 
Crip the Night FantasticIN PERSONComedy225/08 17:1525/08 17:15 
Crispr! The MusicalIN PERSONMusicals and Opera2501/08 20:4025/08 20:40 
Cruel Britannia: After FrankensteinIN PERSONTheatre1502/08 20:3017/08 20:30 
Crying ShameIN PERSONTheatre2101/08 21:3025/08 21:30 
CS Lewis' The Screwtape LettersIN PERSONTheatre414/08 19:1517/08 14:15 
CSI: Crime Scene ImprovisationIN PERSONComedy2402/08 15:1025/08 15:10 
Ctrl+Alt+Deceit!IN PERSONMusicals and Opera1312/08 18:2024/08 18:20 
Cult Classic(k)IN PERSONComedy713/08 12:5019/08 12:50 
Curmudgeon – Traditional Scottish Folk MusicIN PERSONMusic117/08 20:3017/08 20:30 
Cyclopath – Stand-Up and SongsIN PERSONComedy2501/08 14:4525/08 14:45 
CyranoIN PERSONTheatre2101/08 19:0025/08 10:00 
* - Fringe Performances between midnight and 05:59 always display the date of the previous evening. For example the performance displayed at 05/08 actually takes place during the early hours of 06/08
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