Edinburgh Fringe - Statistics

The Team at Plan My Fringe are always interested in the facts and figures behind the Edinburgh Fringe, and we obviously have too much time on our hands. We have provided these stats, graphs and maps because we can! We hope you also find them interesting.

The totals currently only show information based on the 2025 shows that have been released so far. As soon as more shows are released, the stats will automatically be updated.

The shows and performance total will regularly change during the Fringe as shows and performances get added or cancelled.

More stats and graphs will be added as we think of them.

Total Shows


Total Performances


Still to Come


In Progress




Average Performances in progress during any time of the day

(excludes Online-On-Demand)

Daily Performance Count

(excludes Online-On-Demand)

Duration of Shows (Minutes)

Shows for each Genre

Shows for each Type

Heatmap of Performances

The redder the area, the more performances in that area. To just view a clickable map go to the Fringe Map

How many shows could you see at the 2024 Fringe?

320 Shows!

This is just 1 less than our 2019 record of 321. The Plan My Fringe algorithm says that the maximum number of different shows that could possibly be seen during the 25 days of the 2024 Fringe is 320 shows. That averages 12.8 shows a day! If you don't believe us, you can find the proof here.

As soon as the 2025 full programme is released in June we will run the algorithm again.